I am the Master of myself!

Be free, be vulnerable, be fearless! Technique is safe for infants through elder years


Jean Tassone APRN, MSN - PSYCH-K® Facilitator, Certified AAT practitioner


Breath with ease near cute and adorable pets, live and love the outdoors again, eat and enjoy the food you know you want.


Advanced Allergy Therapeutics (AAT) focuses on the identification of which organ system is involved in an overreaction to a harmless stimuli.

Allows the precision-based AAT system to connect with the body to no longer see this as a threat.

Read all about how AAT can help you. Under the Advanced Allergy Therapeutic icon above.

Imagine the possibilities of living how you were designed to be.

These alternatives to inner wellness & peace will bring you back to how it was intended for you to live.

The magic is life changing.

Are you ready to start living your best life?

We create and release energy, and we are surrounded by energy.

Every living creature has energy, we are all connected to our universe, and beyond.

See the possibilities, no limitations, no one or thing blocking your road to your curiosity on how the energy flows to new and exciting prospects.

Read under PSYCH-K® how this process frees yourself of limiting beliefs.

Client’s testimonials from AAT treatments sessions

D. T., Pennsylvania

“I have suffered from itchy watery eyes every time I went to play golf my entire life. I was skeptical at first that this treatment would help. After 2 sessions for tree pollen, I am a believer in AAT technique! I have enjoyed 2 months of itch free eyes while golfing, I can no longer blame a bad day of golf on my irritated eyes.”

Ella, Pennsylvania

“I love the cute earrings at all the boutiques. I have avoided them because my ears would get red, irritated, itchy and ooze fluids not designed to come out of my pierced ear. I was treated for metal and nickel came up as a sensitivity. 1 treatment and 24 hours later, I found a pair of adorable hoops and I had no redness, itching, or oozing fluid. It has been months since I wore earrings that complete my outfit. Thank you, Aspire Wellness."

Danika, Pennsylvania

“From the first week of being in a new building, I have suffered with a runny nose, on year 4. Nothing helped, medications, continuous doctor visits, and nose sprays. I tried AAT and did the initial full consultation to find out what was causing my symptoms. Many things came up. The first treatment I wanted was for cockroaches, immediately I felt a difference inside the building. I continued with additional treatments for pollen, artificial sweeteners, dust, skin products, and flowers. My runny nose is so much better. I still have others to complete, and I will continue, this is a life saver!”

Anthony, Pennsylvania

“I always had an upset stomach, I blamed my diet, not the best choices I make. I was educated on how AAT worked and gave the full initial consultation a chance. Found out I was sensitive to my entire diet. I was treated for dairy, caffeine. Within days I noticed a change in my stomach, and I noticed I have better experiences after I eat. I still need additional treatments and Aspire Wellness Center has a returning customer until all things that showed sensitivity are completed. Crazy – only took 1 session for these sensitivities to be irradicated.“

Be free, be vulnerable, be fearless!

Be open, trusting of the process, K= key to sustainable change.

You and all around you will feel your newfound outlooks.